
30 de junho de 2016


Somos instantes em modo infinito.
Instantes que tornam-se infinitos ao som de uma música, de uma ação, de um prazer, de um sentimento. É como estar exposto ao sol, fechar os olhos e sentir sua pele queimar; é como se apaixonar pelo por do sol e admirar a lua;  é como respirar fundo o verde das folhas e o cheiro da chuva; é como a brisa toca seu rosto e como o vento o beija;  é como abraçar a quem se ama e sintonizar o pulsar; é como olhar nos olhos e enxergar a si mesmo; é como ouvir dentro dos silêncios, suspiros; é o riso sem motivo; é simplesmente ser infinito. Somos instantes, infinitos.

5 de junho de 2016

A (sort of) monologue

Destiny. I truly believe in destiny.
People often use coincidence to talk about destiny, but that's just a way that people like to put something that they didn't like and didn't work for them. But the thing is: destiny is life.
Destiny is about decisions that you make through life, in good and bad moments, when you need or when you want, and destiny works the way it needs to work, when the decision is made for yourself.
Manipulate your will, wishes or needs just make the destiny fail, and so the situation changes and what is left? A lie. So destiny is over on that moment.
It happens when you changes your opinions and thinking, your gestures and manias because of something on the outside. Words need to be use when you need and you want to use. A CURSED WORD, is important if you want to say that, FUCK. FUCK. Or just a please and thank you. But the thing is: you need or want this.
What? No, I'm not crazy. I know that's what you're thinking, I know you're putting this on your paper. I don't care. I'm just seeing things the way they are. Look! LOOK! It's so much easier when you're open for -.
So destiny. I believe in destiny. I believe destiny is always changing, and when you are not truly with yourself it disappear and an empty room with silly and pointless thoughts is left.